When Excel can't keep up: data governance

When Excel can't keep up: data governance

Anyone in a company who has to manage marketing data, whatever the type (product data, internal data, image files, etc.) makes the same observation: it's a difficult task, especially when several contributors are involved, and data is nowadays a key element in the organisation of a company.

The importance of reliable data management in the company

Data is the basic foundation of all business processes (Sales, Marketing, Applications, Reporting...). And yet, we notice that for most companies, Data management is far from being a priority. We generally have to wait for a failure in a process before we take an interest in it. What remedy is prescribed following a failure? Very often, a short-term futile remedy, which will only temporarily solve the problem. If we stereotype, this could be: "Just change the value of these 10,000 Excel values and we'll see later".

The same is true for image files. When you handle 100 or 200 images, you can still manage to do it "à la mano". When it comes to managing several hundred/thousand images associated with productsBut when you have 100 or 200 images, it becomes much more complicated because many questions arise:

  • How to search for specific assets?
  • How to convert from Tiff to Jpeg or PNG automatically?
  • How do I automatically adjust them to the right size for the desired format (Thumbnails/Miniatures/Wide Photos...)?
  • How to work with your employees and service providers in a simple way without mistakes or back and forth.

So many questions that remain unanswered while wasting time, and therefore money. However, there are solutions that are simple to implement... and above all, sustainable.

How does the Product Information Manager (PIM) simplify the management of your product data?

Start by creating a true product data governance model. The good old excel spreadsheet is not a tool designed to do this. It's hard to step back and optimise your processes with complex, cumbersome and disorganised files.

This is where PIM & DAM, which stands for "Product Information Manager".product information manager. The PIM is a collaborative tool that brings together all product information in a single repository. With this single product repository, data management becomes much simpler.

  • It is estimated that it reduces the error rate to about 0.1% thanks to the integrated workflow system that allows data validation. In a PIM, the product repository being unique, the dashboards are always reliable.
  • The PIM is the key to multi-channel communication. In total, we consider thatby using a PIM, the "Time-To-Market" is divided by 7. This is a considerable figure in a world where customers always want to buy faster, to have as much information as possible and reliable on the product at the risk of losing them...

Do the exercise: Map your flows, your contributors, your worfklow related to the management of your product information. You will discover how a centralised tool can drastically improve your processes, your reporting, and therefore your ROI for a long time.

Don't hesitate to ask for support on this point, a PIM is not simply the acquisition of a licence and its integration, orient your project towards the business and success is guaranteed!

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