Scaleflex & Quable: boosting efficiency by optimizing media content

Scaleflex & Quable: boosting efficiency by optimizing media content

Uploading images, organizing and processing digital media on any channel, device and format... these are the many promises (fulfilled) of Scaleflex, a partner of choice in the Quable ecosystem. Thanks to accelerated multimedia files and automated workflows (same technology as ours), the various Scaleflex and Quable clients get a considerable head start on their competitors by boosting the efficiency of their teams.

Take your media to the next level

Scaleflex boasts a large number of well-known customers, including Yuka, Seloger, BurgerKing, Michelin and Citadium. Even though it's French, Scaleflex is present in over 50 countries and has a myriad of plug-ins like WordpressVIP, Magento and Prestashop, enabling it to deliver the very best of a winning e-commerce experience. In simple terms, Scaleflex represents the media brick in a much broader ecosystem including PIMCMS, hosting, storage...etc.

Scaleflex is also part of the MACH Alliance technologies, guaranteeing true agility, speed, flexibility and serenity in the management of projects with customers to ensure the shortest possible time to market, which is also promised by Quable.

What promises does Scaleflex make?

The main goal of the solution is to deliver responsive and fast media, all this thanks to :

  • Dynamic compression and the creation of next-generation formats: images up to five times lighter, Webp, webm and AVIF.
  • Responsive resizing and progressive loading.

Reduced server response times and the ability to reach global audiences.

Why choose the Scaleflex/Quable duo?

The partnership we form with Scaleflex meets several needs and objectives: 

  • SEO and conversion: Improving SEO, increasing traffic on your site and therefore conversion, enriching resources to optimize media and improve visibility on performance are all issues encountered in SEO and conversion objectives.
  • Performance: At the heart of our two solutions, performance objectives can include manual and therefore time-consuming image optimization, media uploading which can also be a source of time loss, and video and/or image loading.
  • Management and collaboration: This can include privacy and copyright management, complex and time-consuming media management processes, and collaboration between teams on content.

media reliability

Problems that our clients face in the short term (how to make sure my images are ready for the holidays, for example) as well as in the medium and long term with SEO and conversion needs.

In order to guarantee the best for your clients and your teams, Scaleflex has developed two tools which, like Quable's technology, address these objectives to best respond to your problems: 

  • Filerobot: a true DAM, aimed at improving the entire life cycle of your media just as Quable supports the life cycle of your products.
  • Cloudimage: media optimization tool.

Like the PIM project (Product Information Management), which ensures data management, facilitates the creation of product catalogs and allows for the management of product information, in a general way, management tools like Scaleflex are a major asset for the performance of your sales channels (e-commerce sites, distribution partners, etc.). Implementing this type of software solution means ensuring the proper management of all product-related information in real time.

To conclude...

As you can see, Quable and Scaleflex are similar in their objectives and their responses to very specific needs: optimized management and improved team collaboration, reliability of visual and textual content, time savings in processes by automating certain tasks that are normally manual and therefore often time-consuming.

But the strength of this duo also lies in our complementary nature. Where Scaleflex centralizes all your media assets, giving you the possibility of retouching and personalizing them, Quable then takes over to enrich and make your product sheets more reliable, and distribute them in any format and on any channel, while respecting their codes and standards.

Do you want to optimize your media content?

Request your free demo.

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Content Manager

After experiences in retail, luxury and EdTech, Romane became Content Manager at Quable and specializes in writing about e-commerce, tech and the SaaS world in B2B.