Why is a PIM solution also a BtoB ally?

Why is a PIM solution also a BtoB ally?

The differences between BtoB and BtoC are not simply a matter of opposing buyer targets. Processes, customer behaviour, purchasing paths, internal organisation and product catalogue management are all elements that must be studied and adapted specifically to meet the particular expectations of BtoB buyers.

The purchases of B2B players are part of a corporate context and the pre-purchase reflection and final choice often include more constraints than for a BtoC purchase. This implies a greater level of detail, more technical data and increased complexity due to the intervention of multiple players in the supply chain (purchase of raw materials, processing, resale of the product, etc.)

In this particular environment, how to manage such rich and complex data? How to meet the specific needs of BtoB sales people and the expectations of customers?

The PIM as a reference for the B2B sales path

A content management tool par excellence, PIM (Product Information Manager) enables product data to be entered and then enriched in a single location. But that's not all! By integrating the commercial data available on the company's products, PIM enables field teams to build sales pitches that are uniform and consistent with other sales channels.

In addition, each product can be traced by being linked in PIM to a supplier profile. It is thus possible to enter its information (name, contact information, product/deal expiry date, etc.) in order to give sales teams direct access to the product's history. This is a real advantage for the sales pitch and the traceability of purchases.

Automatically generate a product portal from the PIM

If BtoB buyers are used to buying from a catalogue, it is now essential to be able to present them with an online product portal, personalised and accessible continuously and on all devices (ATAWAD).

Enriched from PIM and the DAM, the product portal presents content and media on all or part of the product catalog (a range, a country, a new collection...). It can be used as a presentation support during customer meetings, but also as a reference base for all persons likely to present or sell the company's products. The product information is downloadable and can be easily transferred to the customer.

The product portal is an undeniable asset in the sales strategy: ergonomic, elegant, customisable, designed for travel (viewable on tablet, smartphone and desktop) and even distributable as a white label (interface in the company's colours), it accompanies the salesperson and his or her customer on a daily basis and makes the relationship more fluid.

Image PIM ally of BtoB

PIM to generate catalogues that are always up to date and on the fly

Yes, the paper catalogue is still a must for BtoB sales strategies. However, at a time when content and offers are constantly evolving, it has become impossible to envisage publishing a single catalogue for the year.

The PIM solution combines the advantages of Print with the requirements of immediacy of our time By building the structure of the catalog and the variables on which it is based in PIM , it is possible to automatically create personalized catalogs on the fly from the data entered in PIM.

There are no more limits: with one click, you can choose to edit your catalogue for all products, a specific range, a language or a brand. You are then free to print it out in hard copy or distribute it in PDF format via web channels to your customers! The catalogue can thus be adapted in real time to the needs of the BtoB sales strategy.


BtoB, and in particular BtoB e-commerce, is a growth driver that has been steadily increasing in recent years. In a context of digital transformation of companies, BtoB sales and purchasing processes must be adapted to meet new customer expectations, which are increasingly similar to BtoC practices. The PIM contributes to this evolution by providing sales representatives with a unique product database that facilitates the management of rich and complex information, enables the construction of coherent sales pitches and proposes fluid purchasing paths both off and online.

The strength of PIM lies in its ability to adapt to the needs of marketing, sales and product teams: it's up to you to see what PIM can do for you... and see the change!

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Aude is passionate about transmission, training and pedagogy. With 10 years of experience in e-commerce and digital marketing, she now specialises in web writing around these subjects but also for the sectors of continuing education, (digital) learning, employability and the equestrian world.