How can you digitize your B2B catalog at PIM ?

How can you digitize your B2B catalog at PIM ?

Online product catalogs are no longer the preserve of B2C e-tailers. Although paper catalogs are still the norm for some e-tailers, they are becoming much more digital, especially in the B2B sector. We explain why and how, thanks to the PIM platform.

Why digitise your B2B catalogue?

In the golden age of digital marketing and social networks, the paper catalogue no longer seems to be a trendy tool for B2B players. However, digital and paper catalogues are highly complementary, an integral part of a successful sales strategy and a key element in your customer relationship management.

In order to adapt to each of your customers, to marketplaces, and because B2B purchasing processes are particularly complex, it has become essential to digitise your product catalogue in order to offer your customers and professionals quality, reliable and systematically updated information on all sales channels, and therefore easily and quickly accessible. A B2B catalogue allows companies to present a clear and legible offer in its communication and to promote the relationship with professionals and buyers.

However, depending on the industry you work in, paper catalogues and leaflets are not to be discarded, far from it; these catalogues are still very much in demand in the fashion and clothing world for example (lookbooks, brochures, collection presentations, etc.).

How to digitise your B2B catalogue?

The Print solution from PIM Quable enables B2B e-tailers to optimize their multi-channel sales by opting for a solution that enables optimal management of product-related data. This platform enables you to distribute your products and their content in record time, considerably reducing your time-to-market.

The solution ensures that you digitise your catalogue and offer your customers the best possible product experience: every change from the platform is simultaneously published to provide your customers with constantly updated information.

By digitizing your product catalog, via PIM, you can considerably reduce the time usually allocated to this task. As a result, you can free up time for your team, so that they can really concentrate on their core business and on tasks with higher added value for you. The product experience is considerably optimized for your distributors, stores and buyers in general. 


If you want to begin the digital transition of your catalog, Quable's platform is the best choice forautomation and management of product data, images, media and visuals. Its simplicity will enable your teams to take full ownership of the project and integrate with your entire ecosystem, marketplaces, distribution channels...etc. Despite everything, the paper/digital mix remains the formula to be favored in 2022, to maintain a solid, trusting customer relationship.

Are you interested in digitising your B2B catalogue? Why not request a free demo?

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