7 important reassurance factors in e-commerce

7 important reassurance factors in e-commerce

If you are not a world famous company, if your name is not Apple or other, you need to reinforce the confidence of your visitors to convert them and thus incite them to buy. The competition is tough and each actor, on his market, must be able to put all the chances on his side to win. Reassurance is used to give your visitor confidence, so that he has a positive image of your brand, that he has no doubts, no mistrust or reservations about your products, your credibility, legitimacy and brand image.

Some crucial elements, worked in an effective and relevant way, can become powerful elements of reassurance and thus give confidence to your future customers, to optimize your online store and the growth of your business.

1. Be present on social networks

Extremely useful if you are a B2C e-merchant, your presence on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Linkedin...) gives life and soul to your brand. On these channels, you can bring your products to life, show who they are for, what they are used for, what are your news, events related to your brand...all elements that encourage the act of purchase. Also, a blog with articles on the life of your company, its business, can naturally strengthen your SEO, your natural referencing, and thus give even more elements to your visitors.

Beware, it is all well and good to have an Instagram account, but it is still necessary that it is active, if you have not published anything for a long time, the mistrust of your visitor may arise: it could wonder if your brand is still "alive" or otherwise. In short, social networks are good, but active is better!

2. Putting forward social proof

Customer reviews are a treasure to optimize your conversion rate, especially if you are a brand that is gaining recognition. Google customer reviews can be put forward directly on your website. If you have the time, you can respond to these customer reviews, whether they are positive or negative, and thus show thereactivity of your brand, and that you are really listening to your customers. Social proof is an important element of reassurance that will develop your visitors' trust in your brand.

3. Show clear transparency on the return policy

Highlighting your return policy, on a dedicated page and in full transparency, is also an element that can encourage the purchase. Buying online does not allow your visitors to touch or try your products. They need to be reassured if the product is not suitable. A clear return policy, indicating the steps to follow (if possible few and easy) and the related refund modalities (how soon) are important reassurance elements that will considerably optimize the conversion rate of your online store.

4. Have detailed product sheets

Information is key, and when it's extremely well detailed, up to date, reliable and consistent across all sales channels, it guarantees a product and customer experience of the highest quality. Make sure your product sheets are well detailed, with a flawless description, presenting as much information as possible on size, color, material, taste, packaging, dimensions, stock, delivery time... All this is obviously possible thanks to the PIM (Product Information Management (PIM)), which will be the guarantor of the information linked to your products. This product-related data is a reassuring element, giving visitors confidence and forming part of a reassuring purchasing process.

5. Provide choice in payment methods and processes

This information concerning the final step of the purchase process is essential, so it is important to be rigorous, as well as the different choices and methods of payment that can be adapted to all the budgets of your future buyers. Highlighting the security related to payment, the different ways of payment (show the different types of credit cards supported on your site, via Paypal...) and the terms (possibility of paying in 3 installments without fees for example) will reassure visitors and encourage them to buy.

6. Promote your customer service

Whether it's for after-sales service or technical assistance, or even a chat bot for less complex requests, the online visitor must know if he can contact you for any problem. Indicate the availability of this service, from the first page of your site, at the bottom or within a dedicated page, in order to give all the information to the future customer and thus give him convincing elements of reassurance.

7. Display the use of personal data

What will you do with the personal data of your visitors and customers? Internet users insist on the transparency of the use of this data: what data will you collect? For what purpose? The most important thing is to clearly display your policy and to show that this information will not be abused in the future, even within commercial practices. The use of a complete dedicated page, explaining and displaying all the transparency will be perceived as a reassurance factor developing the trust of your future customer towards the brand.


Many other reassurance factors exist to convert your visitors into customers (information on delivery time, integrate a FAQ, set up a "who we are" page to humanize your brand, GTC and legal notices accessible quickly and easily...). Reassurance factors also differ according to your type of business, if you are in B2B, logos of your customers and partners will be relevant and will give confidence to your future customers. In any case, reassurance and trust are achieved through the appropriate use of efficient tools that meet your needs, such as PIM .

If you are interested, ask for your free demo now.

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