Drive-to-store: definition, importance and examples

Drive-to-store aims to put the physical point of sale back at the centre of the customer experience and communication services.

The Drive-to-Store concept aims to attract consumers to physical points of sale using marketing strategies. Once associated primarily with driving to stores, Drive-to-Store has expanded to encompass all initiatives designed to encourage consumers to visit stores, taking advantage of their geolocation. 

As such, it now encompasses a range of marketing actions, such as targeted advertising based on location, promotional offers specific to certain points of sale, or incentives to visit stores through social networking campaigns.

Why is drive-to-store essential?

Drive-to-Store is of crucial importance in the modern retail landscape, bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds. By encouraging consumers to visit stores, it fosters direct engagement with products and brands, which can lead to impulse purchases and increased loyalty. 

What's more, by leveraging geolocation, companies can effectively target their local audience and maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. Drive-to-Store offers a valuable opportunity to bring potential customers across the store threshold, strengthening the relationship between brands and their audience.

What's the difference between drive-to-store and web-to-store?

The distinction between drive-to-store and web-to-store lies in their approach to encouraging consumers to visit stores.

Web-to-store targets static Internet users, encouraging them to visit a point of sale after an online search from their home or workplace.

Conversely, drive-to-store is primarily aimed at consumers on the move. Historically associated with offline actions such as billboard advertising, it now targets mobinauts, users of smartphones on the move or GPS navigation applications.

What are the different strategies for creating a drive-to-store strategy?

Strategies for creating a drive-to-store strategy include :

  • Location-based advertising
  • Customized promotional offers
  • In-store events
  • Collaboration with local influencers

PIM Quable adapts to your needs and your Web to Store strategy, facilitating your communication and promotional actions to boost your business. In this context, PIM is more than necessary to develop this digital strategy aimed at generating more in-store traffic and optimizing the customer journey.