Retail & eCommerce: 5 trends to watch in 2020

Retail & eCommerce: 5 trends to watch in 2020

Here we are! In these last days of December, we wanted to take the time to relive 2019 and prepare for the few changes to come in 2020. If the previous twelve months marked a further turn towards data control, artificial intelligence or IoT, the next twelve are set to be more exciting than ever. Whether you are a regular reader of our blog or a day-tripper, the entire Quable team would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy holiday season and the best of success in your personal and professional projects.

A look back at the trends for 2019

Mobile first and omnichannel

Google's activation of its mobile-first algorithm for all new websites on 1 July marked a further step towards the advent of mobile and its place in e-commerce. Thinking about one's web strategy must therefore necessarily involve mobile first: the Statcount figures shows that more than 50% of web traffic is now generated from a telephone. This is an important part of a strategy that is now omnichannel by design for all retailers and e-tailers.

RGPD & data

Having come into force on 25 May 2018, the RGPD will have caused a lot of ink to flow... and sweat to be shed on the foreheads of all CMOs and DPOs in Europe. 2019 therefore saw the consolidation of measures taken to align with the RGPD and anticipate the Privacy Act that will come into force in the United States in January 2020. It was also an opportunity to place consolidation and the right use of data at the heart of marketing strategies as evidenced by the popularisation of datalakes or other DMPs.

Connected objects

T-shirts, furniture, plants, cars, household appliances, shoes... Every object now seems to have its connected counterpart! Directly linked to the improvement of networks (with the upcoming arrival of 5G) and AI, the popularisation of connected objects is such that the market is estimated to be worth 400 million euros by 2020. This offers e-tailers and retailers great growth opportunities.

Artificial intelligence

Fuelled by better consolidated and standardised data, artificial intelligence is fuelling a growing number of projects from simple chatbots to Amazon Go shops. 2019 marked a turning point in making Artificial Intelligence technologies more accessible, enabling many players to use it to improve the customer experience.

4 trends to watch for 2020

Data and AI, again and again... further

The trend continues! Now well-calibrated, data can be fully exploited to personalise the customer experience to the maximum, The keystone of any marketing strategy worthy of the name. It will also be the basis for the deployment of AI, which has completed a phase of development enabling it to match and sometimes surpass human capabilities. Opportunities for retailers and e-tailers to offer a differentiating experience.

The voice

Driven by connected speakers, the development of voice as a communication channel continues unabated: 50% of searches should be made by voice next year. How to exploit this new channel in e-commerce and in-store? What use cases should be launched and what place should be given to voice in the marketing strategy? These are the questions that will occupy the players in the sector, enriching the opportunities for personalisation and attention to the customer experience.

Social shopping

With Instagram in the lead, social networks have become a major part of e-commerce sales. And for good reason: the power of recommendations is particularly important in the context of a personalised shopping experience. The weight of peers is matched only by the finesse of the targeting that networks allow thanks to the data they generate. Influencers are the salespeople of 2020, don't neglect them!

Mobile payment

If the The penetration rate is still low in France (2.2%), the figures for Spain (7%) and Asia (35.2% in China) suggest that mobile payment has a bright future ahead of it. Here again, it is part of the retailers' strategy to offer this new payment channel for a seamless customer experience and an innovative image Early adopters.

Ethical purchasing

Many marketplaces now include a second-hand offer in their catalogue, such as But the trend towards ethical purchasing goes further: 55% of those surveyed by Wunderman Thompson said that the ethics and morals of brands play a role in their purchasing decision. They are therefore looking to make their purchases from more eco-responsible companies. Time for retailers to take stock of their environmental responsibility and make it a major marketing argument - but beware of greenwashing!


2019 has paved the way for ultra-personalisation and facilitation to bring the on and offline shopping experience into a new era. 2020 should logically see the emergence of ever more innovative and fascinating projects. So, are you ready? 3...2...1... Happy New Year and good projects!

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Aude is passionate about transmission, training and pedagogy. With 10 years of experience in e-commerce and digital marketing, she now specialises in web writing around these subjects but also for the sectors of continuing education, (digital) learning, employability and the equestrian world.