Digital transformation: a must for SMEs and VSEs

Digital transformation: a must for SMEs and VSEs

Today, digital has become an important growth lever for all companies, whether in BtoB or BtoC. Big Data, SaaS, AI, Virtual or Augmented Reality: all these technologies create significant business opportunities for brands. Faced with a change in consumer behaviour and the explosion of the digital market, it seems difficult for VSEs or SMEs not to embrace digital without widening the gap with their competitors.

VSEs/SMEs are struggling to make the digital shift

Indeed, with the democratisation of digital tools among individuals and companies that use them as a promotional tool, competition is even more present at national and global level. Multiplication of distribution channels, internationalisation With the emergence of new business models and the blurring of the boundaries between physical and digital commerce, small businesses must adapt to these changes in order to continue their growth.

For example, local retailers are lagging behind other sectors in the move to digital. Only 42% of independent retailers are present on the web, compared to 72% for networked businesses. The main obstacle identified is the fear of lack of profitability in relation to the human, financial and organisational investment that this change represents.

Local businesses are not the only ones concerned by this reluctance, it affects a majority of VSEs and SMEs. How to stand out from your competitors thanks to digital?

The creation of an e-commerce, a solution for small structures

The use of social networks is undoubtedly one of the best solutions for initiating this transition. It is an inexpensive and effective way to increase awareness and visibility among the target audience. To go further, the development of e-commerce is also a way of developing the company in terms of awareness and profitability. It is one of the levers of digital which represents a turnover of 72 billion euros according to the FEVAD (Federation of e-commerce and distance selling) in France in 2016. This is a sector that is on the rise and is worth exploring: consumers' online spending has increased by 14.6% in one year.

Some advantages of creating an e-commerce :

  • Develop your notoriety: through an e-commerce site, You will be able to establish a close relationship and make your products available to your customers by adapting to their uses. You can be more visible on the web by adding the online shop to your corporate website and your blog.
  • Competitive edge: You stay top of mind and drive consumption with a simple and unique shopping experience. You must be fast and efficient because today's consumers are connected and want everything, right away.
  • Boost your annual turnover and profitability No need to say that by marketing your products or services you gain in turnover. The bonus is that you can get essential data about your customers!

Are you worried that you won't be able to manage this project? Here's a tool that will help you anticipate these needs and control your growth with ease: the PIM (Product Information Management).

Image Digital transformation

The PIM, a tool to set up internally to manage its e-commerce site

Of course, in order to implement a PIM, you have to prepare yourself internally. Raising the awareness of the teams is part of it, but you also need adapted processes. The PIM is a unique space in which you can centralize, enrich and then disseminate these data on your e-commerce. The advantage for a small or medium-sized company is that it is an evolving tool that adapts to the growth of the company, whether in terms of number of products, number of channels or markets. It is easy to use and ergonomic, which allows you to considerably improve your productivity through the automation of tasks and to brilliantly meet the new challenges of digital technology.

The implementation of a PIM is an investment for small structures but promises to be profitable quickly thanks to the profits made with the implementation of an e-commerce.

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